23. November 2022.

Koncerti Splitskih virtuoza

Drage prijateljice i prijatelji, srdačno pozivamo vas na koncerte komornog orkestra Splitski virtuozi pod vodstvom dirigenta i solista Wladimira Kossjanenka u Zadru, Splitu i Dubrovniku.

Na programu koncerata Splitskih virtuoza 23. studenog u Zadru, 24. studenog u Splitu i 25. studenog u Dubrovniku koje će se održati u okviru Dalmatinskog ciklusa bit će između ostalog jedan od najznačajnijih opusa 20. stoljeća - tragični 8. kvartet Dmitrija Šostakoviča posvećen žrtvama fašizma i rata (a po vlastitim riječima skladatelja - njegov rekvijem samom sebi), „Kol Nidrei“ - glazbena molitva iz židovskog života te „Romanca“ za violu i gudače njemačkog kompozitora Maxa Brucha, Suita „Pintarichiana“ – briljantan komad Borisa Papandopula (Šostakovičeva suvremenika) koji je skladan u stilu Haydna i Mozarta 1974. g. u dalmatinskom Kaštel Lukšiću te popularna uvertira iz opere „Laka konjica“ austrijskog kompozitora Franza von Suppéa (rođ. 1819. u Splitu) u obradi Wladimira Kossjanenka za gudački orkestar.

Posebnu pažnju glazbenika Splitskih virtuoza pod vodstvom Wladimira Kossjanenka će dobiti praizvedba nove kompozicije „Invokacija mladog hrvatskog skladatelja Šimuna-Čarlija Botice, studenta kompozicije u klasi profesora Ivana Božičevića na Umjetničkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Splitu.

Ulaznice se kupuju preko sustava adriaticket.com i www.hdsplit.hr i na blagajni Hrvatskog doma Split radnim danom od 9.00 do 14.00 sati te sat vremena prije početka koncerta.

Za studente i profesore Umjetničke akademije Hrvatski dom Split osigurao je povoljne ulaznice po cijeni od 50,00 kn.

Iskreno se veselimo Vašem dolasku!

Vaši Splitski virtuozi i Wladimir Kossjanenko


Dear friends, we cordially invite you to the concert of the Chamber Orchestra Split Virtuosi under the direction of conductor and soloist Wladimir Kossjanenko in Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik.

On the concert program of the Virtuosos of Split on November 24 in Croatian House – Hrvatski Dom Split, which take place as a part of the Dalmatian cycle, will be one of the most significant works of the 20th century - Dmitri Shostakovich's tragic 8th quartet dedicated to the victims of fascism and war (and according to the composer's own words - his requiem to himself), "Kol Nidrei" - a musical prayer from Jewish life for viola and strings by the German composer Max Bruch, Suita "Pintarichiana" - a brilliant piece by Boris Papandopoulos (Shostakovich's contemporary) which was composed in the style of Haydn and Mozart in 1974 in the Dalmatian Kaštel Lukšić and the popular overture from the opera "Light Cavalry" by the Austrian composer Franz von Suppé (b. 1819 in Split) arranged by Wladimir Kossjanenko for string orchestra.

Special attention of the Virtuosso of Split – Splitski viruozi under the direction of Wladimir Kossjanenko will be given to the premiere performance of the new composition "Invocation" by the young Croatian composer Šimun-Čarli Botica, a student of composition in the class of professor Ivan Božičević at the Art Academy of the University of Split.

Tickets can be purchased through the adriaticket.com and www.hdsplit.hr systems and at the box office of the Croatian House Split on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and one hour before concert.

For students and professors of the Art Academy, Hrvatski dom Split has provided cheap tickets at a price of HRK 50.00

We sincerely look forward to your arrival!

Your Split virtuosos and Wladimir Kossjanenko
