The Student Council represents students, protects their rights and promotes the interests and well-being of students at the Academy and at the University as a whole. It is also concerned with the quality of student life, especially regarding the quality of the study process, student standards, actualizing student rights and other issues important for students.

It promotes and organizes student activites in and beyond the curriculum. Selected members of the Student Council, representatives from each year of study and from each department of the Academy, equally participate in the work of the Academic Council and the Student Council of the University.

Student Council President:

Luka Jadrić

Student Council Vice-President:

Ivana Bandalo

Student Members:

Student Ombudsman

The Student Ombudsman is a student who, by duty, is concerned with the development and implementation of student rights and student standards and indicates current and potential problems, discussing them with the relevant Academy bodies. He or she may participate in disciplinary proceedings against students in order to protect their rights.

The Student Ombudsman is elected from among the full-time members of the Student Council of the Academy for a one-year term.

Stefany Findrik
Mob: +385976653585
